List of writers on horsemanship

This is a list of writers on horsemanship and equitation and their principal published works; some minor works may have been omitted. Usually only the first edition of each work is shown; subsequent editions are shown only if the title was changed. Titles of some works may be abbreviated. Full bibliographical details are not given. Authors are listed by default in order of the date of the first published work; works for each author are listed in order of date of the first known edition.


Before 1700

Author Principal works Original language Notes
Kikkuli (unnamed text), c. 1360 BC Hittite Earliest known treatise on horsemanship, detailed the training and conditioning of chariot horses
Simon of Athens De re equestris (fragments) Ancient greek cited by Xenophon
Xenophon (427–355 BC) On Horsemanship
Ancient greek
Federico Grisone Gli ordini di cavalcare, "The rules of riding", 1550 Full text of 1551 edition
L'ecuirie du S. Federic Grison gentilhomme napolitain, translation by François de Lorraine, duc de Guise, 1559
A newe booke, containing the arte of ryding, and breakinge greate Horses, translation by Thomas Blundeville, [1560?]
Künstlicher Bericht und allerzierlichste Beschreybung des edeln, uhesten, unnd hochberümbten Ehrn Friderici Grisonis neapolitanischen hochlöblichen Adels, translation by Johann Fayser den Jüngern von Arnstain, 1570
Pasqual Caracciolo La gloria del cavallo, "The Glory of the Horse", 1566 Full text: 1566 edition; 1567 edition; 1608 edition Italian
Claudio Corte Il cavallerizzo di Messer Claudio Corte di Pavia : nel quale si tratta della natura de' cavalli del modo di domargli, et frenargli, e di tutto quello, che à cavalli, et à buon cavalerizzo s'appartiene 1573 Full text of Venice 1573 edition; another copy; Lyon 1573 edition Italian
John Astley ([1507]–1595) The Art of Riding, set foorth in a breefe treatise, with a due interpretation of certeine places alledged out of Xenophon, and Gryson ... wherein also the true vse of the hand by the said Grysons rules and precepts is speciallie touched ... Lastlie, is added a short discourse of the chaine or cauezzan, the trench, and the martingale: written by a gentleman of great skill and long experience in the said art English Master of Her Majesty's Jewel House
Salomon de La Broue (1530–1610) Preceptes Principavx Qve les bons Caualerisses doiuent exactement obseruer en leurs Escole, "Principal precepts that good riders must exactly observe in their schools", [1593]
Le cavalerice françois: contenant les preceptes...(revised and expanded edition of the Preceptes ...), 1602 Full text of 1646 edition, vol 1; vol 2; vol 3
French pupil of Giovanni Battista Pignatelli
Antoine de Pluvinel (1552–1620) Le maneige royal, "The royal manège", 1623
L’Instruction du Roy en l’Exercise de Monter a Cheval (new edition of the Maneige ...), 1625 Full text of Amsterdam 1666 edition
French pupil of Giovanni Battista Pignatelli, tutor to King Louis XIII
William Cavendish, 1st Duke of Newcastle (1592–1676) La methode nouvelle et invention extraordinaire de dresser les chevaux, 1658
A New Method and Extraordinary Invention to Dress Horses and Work them according to Nature..., 1667
French Master of Horse to Charles II of England

1700 to 1799

Author Principal works Original language Notes
François Robichon de La Guérinière (1688–1751) Ecole de Cavallerie: contenant un Recueil ou abregé Methodique des Principes qui regardent la connoissance des Chevaux... [S.l] Mernier 1730
Ecole de cavalerie contenant l'ostéologie etc. Sieur de La Guérinière, 4e leçon, Paris 1731
École de cavalerie, contenant la connoissance, l'instruction et la conservation du cheval, avec figures en taille douce, par M. de La Guérinière... Paris: impr. de J. Collombat 1733 Volume 2 (only) of the 1736 printing
Elémens de cavalerie: Contenant la connoissance du cheval, l'embouchure, la ferrure, la selle, &c. avec un traité du haras, Paris: chez les frères Guerin, 1741
Manuel de Cavalerie: ou l'on enseigne... la connoissance du Cheval l'embouchure... l'osteologie du cheval, ses maladies, & leurs remedes... La Haye: Chez Jean Van Duren 1742 (same as the above, according to Brunet)[1] Full text

1800 to 1899

Author Principal works Original language Notes
Maximilian Weyrother Anleitung wie man nach bestimmten Verhältnissen die passendste Stangen-Zäumung finden Kann: nebst einer einfachen Ansicht der Grundsätze der Zäumung Wien: Auf Kosten des Verfassers in Commission bei Schaumburg 1814; revised 2nd edition 1826 "Instructions on how to find the most appropriate bit for given conditions..."
De l'embouchure du cheval, ou, Méthode por trouver la meilleure forme de mors, d'aprés les proportions et les principes les plus simples de l'embouchure du cheval: suivie de la description d'une bride qui empêche le cheval de se cabrer A Paris: Chez Anselin, successeur de Magimel, librarie pour l'art militaire 1828 (translation of the above)
Bruchstücke aus den hinterlassenen Schriften des k. k. österr. Oberbereiters Max Ritter von Weyrother 1836
German director of the Spanish Riding School
François Baucher (1796–1873) Dictionnaire raisonné d'équitation, "Reasoned dictionary of equitation" 1833 Full text
Dialogues sur l'équitation: premier dialogue entre le grand Hippo-théo, dieu des quadrupèdes, un cavalier et un cheval (with Louis Charles Pellier), "Dialogues on equitation: a first dialogue between the great 'Hippo-théo', god of quadrupeds, a rider and a horse" 1835 31pp. Full text
Passe-temps équestres: suivis de notes explicatives, "Equestrian pastimes: followed by explanatory notes" 1840
Méthode d'équitation basée sur de nouveaux principes, "Method of riding based on new principles" 1842 Full text
Methode der Reitkunst nach neuen Grundsätzen (translation by von Willisen of the Méthode d'équitation) 1843
Erläuterndes Wörterbuch der Reitkunst (translation by H. Ritgen of the Dictionnaire raisonné) 1844
Count Antoine Cartier D'Aure (1799–1863) Traité d'équitation, par M. le Vte d'Aure..., "Treatise of equitation" 1834
Observations sur la nouvelle méthode d'équitation, par M. le Vte d'Aure, "Observations on the new method of riding" 1842
Cours d'équitation, "Course of equitation" 1853
Gustav Steinbrecht (1808–1885) Das Gymnasium des Pferdes, "The Gymnasium of the Horse" 1886 German
James Fillis Principes de dressage et d'équitation, "Principles of dressage and of riding" 1890 Full text of 2nd edition, 1891
Breaking and Riding 1890 (English translation of the Principes)
Grundsätze der Dressur und Reitkunst. Ins Deutsch uebertragen von M. von Zansen gen. van der Osten,... 2te Auflage... von Gustav Goebel... 1896 (German translation of the Principes)
Journal de dressage, "Journal of dressage" 1903

1900 to 1999

Author Principal works Original language Notes
Wilhelm Müseler 1887–1952 Reitlehre 1933 (2nd edition)
Riding Logic 1937
Henry Wynmalen Equitation ... Illustrated from photographs 1938
Horse Breeding & Stud Management 1950
Dressage: A study of the finer points of riding 1953
The Horse in Action 1954
Horse breeding and stud management 1971
English Aficionado of the "French school" of dressage
Alois Podhajsky (1898–1973) Spanische Hofreitschule Wien, "The Spanish Riding School of Vienna" [1941]
The Spanish Riding Academy, Vienna, Austria 1947
Die spanische Hofreitschule; The Spanish Riding school; L' Ecole d'équitation espagnole, 1948
The Complete Training of Horse and Rider 1965
My Dancing White Horses 1966
My Horses My Teachers 1967
The Riding Teacher 1973
The Art of Dressage: Basic Principles of Riding and Judging 1976
German director of the Spanish Riding School from 1939
Waldemar Seunig Von der Koppel bis zur Kapriole, die Ausbildung des Reitpferdes 1949
Horsemanship: a complete book on training the horse and its rider 1956 (translation of the above)
Nuno Oliveira (1925–1989) Haute ećole: forty-three photographs of horses taught and mounted by Nuno Oliviera London: J.A. Allen 1965
Réflexions sur l'art équestre. Traduit du portugais par René Bacharach [1965]
Reflections on equestrian art (translated [from the French] by Phyllis Field) 1976
Classical principles of the art of training horses (illustrated by Fernando Abreu) 1983
Classical principles of the art of training horses, volume 2: From an old master trainer to young trainers 1986
Les Chevaux et leurs cavaliers 1987
Horses and their riders (with Joy Howley) 1988
L'art équestre 1991
Portuguese, French
Reiner Klimke (1936–1999) Cavaletti. Ausbildung von Reiter und Pferd über Bodenricks 1966
Military: Geschichte, Training, Wettkampf 1967, "Eventing"
Cavalletti: Schooling of Horse and Rider over Ground Rails (translation of Cavaletti by Daphne Machin Goodall) 1969
Le Concours complet: histoire, entraînement, compétition (translation of Military by Pierre André) 1977
Grundausbildung des jungen Reitpferdes: von der Fohlenerziehung bis zum ersten Turnierstart 1980
Horse trials (translation of Military by Daphne Machin Goodall) 1984
Ahlerich von der Remonte zum Dressur-Weltmeister ; ein exemplarischer Ausbildungsweg 1984
Basic Training of the Young Horse: From the Education of the Young Foal to the First Competition (translation of Grundausbildung by Sigrid Young) 1985
Ahlerich: The Making of a Dressage World Champion (translation of Ahlerich by Courtney Searls-Ridge) 1986
Von der Schönheit der Dressur vom jungen Pferd bis zum Grand Prix 1991
Klimke on Dressage: From the Young Horse Through Grand Prix (translation of the above by Courtney Searls-Ridge and Jan Spauschus Johnson) 1992
German Olympic medalist who went on to teach and write extensively with co-author Ingrid Klimke
Egon von Neindorff (1923–2004) Kleine Reit- und Fahrlehre 1975
Dressage Formula 1980
Die reine Lehre der klassischen Reitkunst 2005
The Art of Classical Horsemanship 2009
Paul Belasik Riding towards the light: an apprenticeship in the art of dressage riding 1990
Exploring dressage technique: journeys into the art of classical riding 1994
The essential Paul Belasik 2001
Dressage for the 21st century 2002
A search for collection: science and art in riding 2009
English American protege of Nuno Oliveira
Walter Zettl Dressage in harmony: from basic to Grand Prix 1998
Dressur in Harmonie: von der Basis bis zum Grand Prix (translation of the above by Simone Engels) 2003
The Circle of Trust (with Paul Schopf and Jane Seigler) 2008

2000 to the present

Author Principal works Original language Notes


  1. ^ Brunet, Jacques-Charles (1862) (in French). Manuel du libraire et de l'amateur de livres. F. Didot. Retrieved July 2011.